When less than 75% of your lawn is comprised of desirable turf, renovation procedures are recommended. Your first step will be to check for insect, disease and soil problems and correct as needed.
1. Apply Roundup.
2. Mow the lawn to a height of about one inch.
3. Apply 3 - 5 lbs. of good nitrogen-based, slow release fertilizer per 1000 sq. ft. 4. Rake or rough the surface of the soil giving special attention to bare spots.
5. Spread the seed with a drop-spreader or a hand-cranked "broadcast' spreader. Special attention should be given to spots where the ground is bare. Extra seed should be applied by hand to these spots.
6. Drag or rake the grass to be certain the seed comes in contact with the soil.
7. Water the seedbed lightly so the soil surface is moist. Continue watering lightly so the soil does not become hard or baked.
8. When the seedlings reach a height of 2 - 3 inches, mow to a height of 1 1/2 inches with a sharp mower at a time when the grass is not wet.
And remember to never mow more than 1/3 of the leaf blade off per cutting and keep that blade sharp!