The key to excellent pollination is more bees, nature’s pollinators. To attract bees and promote maximum nesting activity you can supply your Mason bees with a clean, dry, safe bee home. These will allow your bees to go forth and multiply to their maximum potential, providing you with better pollination of your fruits and berries thereby increasing the quality and quantity of your harvest.
The mason bee is a bit smaller than a honeybee and is recognized as an effective pollinator. Like most bees, mason bees feed on the nectar of flowers, and are especially attracted to fruit blossoms, which make them an excellent fruit pollinator. Since they have no honey to defend, they will only sting if squeezed or stepped on. As such, they make excellent garden "pets", since they both pollinate the plants and are safe for children and pets.
A honey bee typically pollinates about five percent of the flowers it visits in a day. It is estimated that a mason bee pollinates ninety five percent. On top of that,the mason bee visits more than twice as many flowers every day!
The mason bee emerges early in the spring when daytime temperatures rise to about 50 degrees.
You can mason bees and mason bee homes from the following sites:
Bee Diverse
Mason Bees for Sale
Mason Bee Houses
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